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Jackbox Ghost
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D23 Expo Design Challenge 2019
This past weekend was the D23 Expo 2019 held at the Anaheim Convention Center. If you are not familiar, it is Disney’s big biennial convention where they announce all of the exciting company news. There are panels, venders, cosplayers, exhibits, and special events....
Using IoT to Bring My Home Enchanted Tiki Room to Life
You may remember my Tiki Room Drummer project I posted about last year which is inspired by Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room. Since then I have added lights, music, and a talking parrot to my home tiki room. Furthermore I have choreographed all of them together using a...
Finding creativity in new places
This summer I had two moves happen in my life. One major move, my fiance and I buying a condo. And one minor move, of moving cubicles with in the office. Both come with their own benefits and obstacles. I strived to keep these moves from interrupting my work and...